# FAQs

# What is a Knowledge Graph/Graph database?

A: A knowledge graph is a graph of knowledge. It is a graph of nodes and edges. Each node represents a concept or a fact. Each edge represents a relationship between two nodes.

# What is Thought Jumper?

# Who is ThoughtJumper for?

# Why do you need ThoughtJumper?

# Why is TJ Unique?

# What happens when you join the waitlist?

# How do I get the access?

You will have to apply at https://thoughtjumper.com/waitlist (opens new window).

# Is there any mobile app?

Not right now.

# How do I delete my account?

You will have to raise a ticket via chatbot.

# Where do I raise my questions or suggestions?

You can do it via chatbot, else you can use the #question-answer and #suggestions channels of Discord (opens new window).

# How do I report a bug?

You can report a bug via chatbot. You can also do it via #bug-report channel of Discord.

# Why was my account blocked?

Your account can be blocked if you don't follow the rules mentioned on the Discord server or the Terms & Conditions mentioned in the application.

# How do I change my Email Address or other account details?

You can go to Settings, available in the quick navigation menu, to change some of your profile details. If you want to change some other information like - email or username, you can raise a ticket using the chatbot.

# How can I unsubscribe from the newsletters

Each email comes with an unsubscribe option in the email footer. In case of any other requirements, please feel free to reach out to the customer support team using Discord or in-app Chat support widget.

# How can I update my profile picture?

User personalization is available in-app. We are slowly rolling out more personalization options.

# How can I update my social profiles?

User settings are available in-app using the sidebar menu. You can update your social profile from there.

# Is my profile page visible to other users?

As of now, your profile page is only visible to you.

# How can I only see the content - notes, graphs, thought maps, quests created by me?

Each UGC powered widget comes with an option to filter in content generated by you.

# What are the different kinds of roles available in Thought Jumper?

You can read more roles here: https://tj-dictionary.netlify.app/guide/roles (opens new window)

# What is my current role in Thought Jumper?

All user roles that are currently held by the logged-in User are visible in the profile drop-down on the top right. You can read more roles here: https://tj-dictionary.netlify.app/guide/roles (opens new window)

# Concepts in Thought Jumper

Please refer to https://tj-dictionary.netlify.app/guide/ (opens new window) for important concepts in Thought Jumper

# What is a thought?

In TJ, the basic unit is a Thought.

Anything that causes a User's Neuron to fire is called a Thought

You can read more about Thoughts here: https://tj-dictionary.netlify.app/guide/thoughts.html#thoughts (opens new window)

# What is a thought map?

A Graph of thoughts You can read more about Thought Map here: https://tj-dictionary.netlify.app/guide/thought-map.html#thought-map (opens new window)

# How to use the neighbourhood of concepts to explore or learn about a topic?

# What is a quest?

By definition, A systematic Linked actionable Thought Map is called a Quest. It enables a guided experience to be created from a Thought Map that you create/view in Thought Jumper.

You can read more about Quest here: https://tj-dictionary.netlify.app/guide/quests.html (opens new window)

# How can we capture thoughts in TJ?

To capture thoughts into thought Jumper, you can use the Browser Extension BoostEd (opens new window)

# How much time does it take to learn and mature in TJ?

The feature depth of the TJ ecosystem would take months to master, however, the simple interaction design allows Users to get started and create their first Thought Map in just a few minutes!

# What is a widget?

You can read more about Widget here: https://tj-dictionary.netlify.app/widgets/ (opens new window)

# What kind of widgets are available in the system?

A complete repository of widgets, their feature and how to use them are available here: https://tj-dictionary.netlify.app/widgets/ (opens new window)

# Using TJ, how do I share my thoughts with others?

You can share your Thought Map or a Quest with others. You could also invite others to fork your Thought Maps into the Ecosystem.

# Is there any best practice to capture thoughts on TJ?

Check this video out on how to get started in Thought Jumper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ji9vgjo0Fk (opens new window)

# What kind of use-cases can TJ help with?

You can learn more about different use-cases: https://thoughtjumper.com/members-area/#use-cases (opens new window)

# What kind of resources or assets are available on TJ?

TJ pulls data, images, videos and 3d Models from various hubs on the web. Different widgets are use to visualize these. You can learn more about each from their respective widgets: https://tj-dictionary.netlify.app/widgets/ (opens new window)