# Thoughts
In TJ, the basic unit is a Thought.
Anything that causes User's Neuron's to fire is called a Thought
Thoughts are immaterial, should not compare to tangible material objects.
Widely accepted thoughts are called Facts
Actions on/with Thought
- Share/Recall
- Write/Create/Capture
- Organize/Navigate | Associate/Combine
- Consume/Interpret
- Reset/Rewire/Refine | Thought Enrichment
Behavior of Thought
- Can be part of a Quest
- Thought can be Habitual/Involuntary
- Causes another Thought
- Caused by a Thought
- Thought can be hook for a specific Thought
- A thought can evolve
- Biases are introduced
- Adds/Improves Skills
- Affects Vocabulary
- Triggers Social interactions (conversations/friendships)
- Triggers an Actions
Types of thoughts (a Composition of the following) | Based on What and How thought is.
- Thought (Base)
- Actionable
- Habitual
- Fact (based)
- Opinion
- Chit Thoughts (impulse)
- Mind Thoughts (Conscious)
- Personality driven Thought
- Retainable?
- Involuntary?
- Visual Thought
- Auditory Thought
- Time based Thought
- Dream
There are several type of thoughts, based on how/when they are created, and how they are used.
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