# Editor πŸ“

Description: The Editor widget enables you to capture your thoughts using the markdown format, ensuring that your data is future-proof, machine-readable, and cross-platform. It allows you to take notes from anywhere on the internet, recording essential information and providing the ability to easily trace back to the original source.

# Usage Instructions πŸ“š

  1. From the widget list, locate and select the "Editor" widget. The Editor will open in a new tab or section.

  2. Start by typing your thoughts, ideas, or any information you want to capture.


It is simple to use. shows two screens (preview); use rich editor options; save notes; view notes in Notes Library

# Tips

  1. The Editor uses the markdown format, which allows you to format your text using simple syntax.
  2. Use headings, bullet points, and numbered lists to organize your content and make it more readable.

# Widgets that work well with this widget 🀝

  • Notes Library
  • Goals

# Examples 🌟