# Detail ℹ️

Description: The Detail Widget is a versatile tool that serves as a valuable companion to various widgets, especially Graph Explore and Ongoing Quest Widget. It provides detailed and descriptive information about selected nodes, offering deeper insights and enhancing your exploration experience.

# Here's how the Detail Widget functions in different scenarios:

# With Graph Explore

When using the Graph Explore widget, which displays connected topics in a force-directed graph format, the Detail Widget presents the descriptive detail of the selected node. The description is pulled from reputable sources.

# The Detail Widget offers five different views in this case:

  1. Default View: This view presents the description in the form of a paragraph, allowing you to read and comprehend the information in a concise manner.

  2. Detailed View: In this view, the Detail Widget presents a table showcasing the most frequent words in the description and the number of times they appear. This allows you to identify key themes and concepts related to the selected node.

  3. Marked Up View: The Marked Up View highlights important words in the description, emphasising their significance. It further marks the words based on their parts of speech, such as noun, verb, adjective, and proper noun, aiding in your understanding of the text.

  4. Entities View: This view provides a list of important words extracted from the description, along with their corresponding parts of speech. This helps you identify and analyse the key elements of the node's description.

  5. Sentences View: The Sentences View is the default view, breaking down the description into short sentences. Each sentence is accompanied by an emoji that reflects the sentiment of the sentence β€” happy, sad, or neutral. This visual representation provides an additional layer of understanding and emotional context.

In addition to the different views, the Detail Widget offers several tools to enhance your exploration experience:

  1. Add to Note: This tool allows you to effortlessly convert the description of the node into a note. By clicking on the tool's icon, the description is automatically added to the Notes Library, enabling you to save and refer back to important information easily.

  2. Speech to Text: The Speech to Text tool enables the narration of the description available in the Detail Widget. By clicking on this tool, the text is transformed into speech, offering an auditory experience of the information.

  3. Edit: The Edit tool provides an editor interface where you can modify the selected node's attributes. This includes options to change the Node Title, Node Type (shape), Node Colour, and Node Size. You can even add an image to the node. Additionally, the description can be updated using a markdown editor. Tags and properties can also be added to categorise and provide additional details about the node.

Note that once a node has been edited, it becomes a custom node, and options like Add to Note and Speech to Text will no longer be available for that particular node.

The Detail Widget also shows information when a keyword is searched via Boost ED, drag & select, and voice commands, just like in the case of Graph Explore.


# With Ongoing Quest

In the case of using the Ongoing Quest widget within ThoughtJumper, the Detail Widget plays a crucial role in presenting descriptive details in the form of a comprehensive course outline. It provides valuable information to further enhance your understanding of the selected node within the dendrogram. The Detail Widget offers a structured presentation of information, providing a holistic view of the selected node as part of the ongoing quest.

It includes the following components:

  1. Detailed Description: The Detail Widget presents a detailed description of the selected node. This description offers comprehensive insights and essential context, allowing you to grasp the core concepts and nuances related to the topic.

  2. Things to Read: Within the Detail Widget, you'll find a curated list of recommended readings associated with the selected node. These readings serve as valuable resources for further exploration, enabling you to dive deeper into the subject matter and broaden your knowledge.

  3. Things to Watch: The Detail Widget also provides a collection of suggested videos related to the selected node. These videos offer visual explanations, demonstrations, or discussions that enhance your understanding and provide additional perspectives on the topic.

  4. Things to Answer: As part of your learning journey, the Detail Widget presents thought-provoking questions associated with the selected node. These questions encourage critical thinking, self-reflection, and self-assessment of your understanding of the topic.

It's important to note that in this particular case, editing capabilities are not available in the Detail Widget.


# Usage Instructions πŸ“š

  • With Graph Explore
  • Add to Note
  • Speech to Text
  • Edit
  • Change Views


  • With Ongoing Quest
  • Boost ED
  • Drag & Select
  • Voice Commands

# Tips πŸ’‘

  • Explore different views: Experiment with the different views available in the Detail Widget, such as Default View, Detailed View, Marked Up View, Entities View, and Sentences View. Each view offers a unique perspective and can provide additional insights into the selected node's description and information. Try switching between views to gain a comprehensive understanding of the content.

  • Utilise the Add to Note feature: If you come across valuable information or insights in the Detail Widget, consider using the Add to Note feature. This allows you to easily convert the description or other details into a note, saving it in the Notes Library for future reference. Keeping organised notes helps you retain important information and facilitates easy retrieval when needed.

  • Utilise the Speech to Text feature: If you prefer an auditory learning experience, make use of the Speech to Text feature in the Detail Widget. By clicking on this tool, the text within the widget is converted into speech, allowing you to listen to the information while engaged in other activities or if you prefer an alternative learning style.

  • Take advantage of editing capabilities (Graph Explore case): In the case of using the Detail Widget with the Graph Explore widget, leverage the editing capabilities available. Customise the node attributes, such as the Node Title, Node Type, Node Colour, Node Size, and add relevant tags or properties. This allows you to personaliSe and categorise the nodes based on your preferences and requirements.

# Widgets that work well with this widget 🀝

# Examples 🌟