# Gutenberg Library πŸ“–

Description: The Gutenberg Library widget provides easy access to a vast collection of free eBooks available through Project Gutenberg. With a focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired, this library offers a rich selection of the world's great literature. Each eBook has been meticulously digitized and proofread by dedicated volunteers to ensure a high-quality reading experience.

# Usage Instructions πŸ“š

  1. Locate and select the Gutenberg Library widget from the widget list.

  2. Once the widget is open, you will have access to the extensive collection of free eBooks provided by Project Gutenberg.

  3. Select a specific eBook by clicking on its title or cover image to open it.

  4. Inside each eBook, you can navigate through the pages using the provided controls or interactive table of contents. Enjoy exploring and immersing yourself in the rich literary content available in the Gutenberg Library.


# Widgets that work well with this widget 🀝

  • Detail
  • Dictionary
  • Videos
  • Wikidatacard

# Examples 🌟